
Let's Talk...

Welcome to Step2Mediation.

You’ve taken the first step by researching the
benefits of mediation. Now, let us guide you on your
journey towards a resolution.

You’ve taken the first step by researching the benefits of mediation. Now, let us guide you on your journey towards a resolution.

Our Memberships

We are proud to be accredited members of the Civil Mediation Council, College of Mediators and the FSB, ensuring the highest standards of service.

CMC Civil Mediation Council
College of Mediators, Trained Mediator 2023.
FSB Federation of Small Businesses

We Can Help...

At Step2Mediation, we specialise in Civil and Commercial,  Interpersonal and Family Mediation. Whatever your requirements we can help.

Want to Know More?

Click Below To Learn About Our Mediation Services.

Interpersonal Mediation

Resolve conflicts and strengthen relationships.

Civil & Commercial Mediation

Settle disputes and preserve business relationships.

Family Mediation

Resolve family issues and move forward to your future.

Your Success, Our Priority.

Our success stems from the dedication and skills of our mediator associates. Their priority is helping you achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

If you're curious about how mediation can benefit you, visit the websites of the Civil Mediation Council and the Family Mediation Council for more information.

Meet Your
Mediation Partner.

Marie-Louise Flanagan is an accredited mediator. She specialises in Civil and Commercial, Interpersonal, and Workplace mediation and is well-equipped to handle a wide range of disputes.

Let’s Talk...

Step2Mediation will guide you through the process.

We're here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to find out more.