

When your relationship breaks down, we understand how overwhelming it can be. But don’t worry, we are here to help.

Why Choose Step2Mediation

The mediation process…

Saves Time

Swift resolution with mediation sessions organised to suit you.

Saves Money

Cost-effective alternative to court proceedings.

Saves Relationships

Preservation of relationships through mediation process.

Guidance & Support for Your Future.

The decisions you need to make about your future can feel daunting, especially during a time when you may not feel fully prepared to deal with them.

Our team of specialist mediators at Step2Mediation will support you through the entire process. We will guide you and provide you with the necessary information to make the best choices for your situation.

Let's talk process...

Support & Guidance for Family Mediation.

Our team is always available to discuss our services with you and help guide you towards the right choices for your family mediation needs.

At Step2Mediation, we are committed to providing support and guidance during this challenging time, ensuring that you have the necessary tools to navigate the process and make informed decisions for your future.

Want to Know More?

Click Below To Learn About

Our Mediation Services.

Click Below To Learn About Our Mediation Services.

Interpersonal Mediation

Resolve conflicts and strengthen relationships.

Civil & Commercial Mediation

Settle disputes and preserve business relationships.

Let’s Talk...

Step2Mediation will guide you through the process.

We're here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to find out more.